ucmpqahe- HISTORY

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The UNESCO has reapproved the creation of the chair “Management, Planning and Quality Assurance in Higher Education” on 19 Jun 2018, and a chair holder was appointed to lead the activities of the chair. The president of the Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education began the initial activities of the chair in 2019. Some limitations of the institute and the Corona Virus outbreak made the activities of the chair started in summer 2020. Missions of the chair are as follows:
  1. Promoting international inter-university cooperation and developing educational activities, research, and academic interactions in the country, as well as expanding cooperation with international scientific organizations, universities, and other higher education centers with regional priorities.
  2. Creating a field for promoting scientific innovations in the field of higher education and improving the quality of inter-university academic cooperation related to policies, management, and planning. Enhancing quality in universities through the creation and expansion of inter-university academic networks.
  3. Strengthening the presence of universities and higher education institutions in the international academic community and associations of higher education with regional priority.
  4. Interacting and communicating with academic institutions in management, planning, and quality development in higher education and creating a joint working group for inter-agency activities.
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