
List of Tasks

  1. Studies the Innovations in Higher Education
  2. Of innovations, higher education systems in different countries (industrial, semi-industrial and developing)
  3. Comparative study of different strategies for learning, teaching and learning in higher education
  4. Comparative study of curriculum content in higher education systems (in Iran with other countries)
  5. Comparative study about methods of selection and other factors in selecting students for higher education in different countries
  6. Creating new fields of studies and interpretation of curriculum content
  7. Evaluation of training programs and make necessary recommendations
  8. Review of scientific data published by international organizations in order to identify the latest scientific developments universities and higher education institutions worldwide
  9. Holding seminars to help faculty and academic relationships with institutions and agencies, scientific communities concerned
  10. Students study issues of cultural and religious
  11. The research methodology workshops
  12. Review, consideration and implementation of projects

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